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How do I pay and communicate with The Den?

Chatting to us is the best way to communication! We are available on email at and you can use the Magic Booking system to check payments and invoices.


What should my child wear?

Children will come to The Den in their school uniform. This should be labelled as per the school's policy. For rain, a good waterproof is needed. When the weather gets colder hats, gloves and scarves are all essentials and when we are blessed with good weather - don't forgot sun hats and sun cream.


What provision is there for the children to eat and drink?

Breakfast is served at 8 each morning and comprises of cereals/breads and fruit. In the afternoon the children have a healthy snack - please tell your key worker if your child cannot drink milk or has any other food allergies.


What happens at drop-off and collection time? 

Please collect your child by ringing the bell at the door and a member of staff will arrange collection of your child. Please do not send unknown friends and family to collect your child. We operate a 'password' system to ensure children go home with and appropriate adult. IN THE INTERESTS OF SAFETY PLEASE DO NOT LET OTHER ADULTS INTO THE BUILDING. When we are outside a notice on the door will let you know!


My child is ill, what should I do? 

Please use common sense when considering if your child is fit for action. If your child is unwell, particularly with illnesses such as sickness, diarrhoea or childhood infectious diseases (i.e. chicken pox), please keep them at home until they are well again and clear of infection as outlined by your doctor.


While it is not our policy to care for sick children, who should be at home until they are well enough to return to The Den, we do agree to administer medication as part of maintaining their health and well-being or when they are recovering from illness. There is a detailed policy regarding this that should be referred to if this situation should occur.


What is EYFS? EYFS stands for Early Years Foundation Stage.

It comprises a set of welfare requirements and a set of learning and development requirements, which must be followed by providers of care for children below 5 years old - the age of compulsory education in the UK.


Can I use Childcare Vouchers?

Absolutely! Let Anna know your preferred provider and she will set it up!

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